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Expert Witness

James Piccolino

As an Expert Witness, James Piccolino has worked extensively with other law firms requiring another pair of trained eyes to meticulously examine important legal documents. Using his extensive legal background as well as his years of working in healthcare as a licensed professional, James Piccolino will assemble case files following a thorough documentation review which is then submitted back to clients.


The inherent complexity of the law, personal injury, and healthcare mean that collectively, navigating lawsuits across such widely varied areas can become incredibly complex depending on the circumstances and detail of the case. The prospect of such litigation reinforces the need to have experienced legal consulting services and a dedicated team available to help with preventing claims and lawsuits. The Law Offices of James Piccolino & Associates P.A. can assist with this. As a law firm with a solid, hands-on foundation in healthcare, our firm and our expert eye witness services potentially provide an advantage in your legal case.